Nambahin widgets dan aksesoris di halaman blog emang nyenengin selain itu membuat halaman blog kita terlihat sangat cantik. Tapi tahukah anda, ada beberapa hal yang harus di hindari pada halaman blog anda agar terlihat lebih profesional. Kenapa tampilan web harus profesional? untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini bermacam-macam donk ya.. yang jelas jawaban dari saya adalah masalah tampilan.
Anda tahu kan penampilan halaman dengan user interface yang baik adalah hal yang utama, apapun didunia ini pertama kali yang dilihat adalah penampilan jika kesan pertama udah gak baik jelas akan berpengaruh buruk terhadap pengunjung blog anda. Secara realita cinta dan rock and roll (lohh??? he_.) maksud saya secara realita memang penilaian setiap orang bervariasi dan relatif tetapi gak semua salah kan kita mencoba ke arah kesempurnaan.Ya gak sii?...
Nah, saya ada beberapa tips nihh yang saya dapat dari Oom agus. Oom, terimakasih tips-nya ya.. tipsnya bermanfaat banget buat saya. Cara gimana menjadikan blog kita terlihat lebih berisi dan terlihat profesional. Dan apa aja sii yang harus di hindari pada halaman blog kita.
1. Lakukan pengecekan halaman pada beberapa web browser yang berbeda:
Tampilan halaman anda begitu cantik di browser firefox tapi belum tentu terlihat cantik di IE atau Opera atau browser yang lainnya. Untuk itu coba lakukan pengecekan dengan browser berbeda, misalkan: firefox, flock, IE, Opera, safari.
2. Pilihan warna blog : Pemilihan warna memang susah-susah gampang ya.. Semuanya tergantung selera pemilik blog. Jangan terlalu egois, pilih warna sesuai dengan tema blog anda. Coba anda pikir jika blog anda tentang agama dengan pilihan warna hitam, terlihat aneh bukan! Kebanyakan situs warna hitam lebih cenderung ke situs yang bertemakan underground.
3. Hindari memasang jam : Tanyakan pada diri anda sendiri apa gunanya memasang jam di blog anda, jika hanya sebagai pengingat waktu atau untuk mempercantik halaman. Sebaiknya tidak usah digunakan, apa gunanya jam yang ada pada taskbar windows. Yang jelas bakal bikin load page anda semakin berat.
4. Hindari pasang kalender : Apa gunanya kalender windows? orang butuh informasi dari blog anda bukan ingin melihat kalender. Sekedar informasi kalender yang saya maksud adalah kalender umum, beda dengan kalender yang nampilin sebuah posting (biasanya banyak digunakan pengguna wordpress)
5. Hindari pasang jumlah pengunjung tetap : Jika blog anda baru jangan gunakan jumlah pengunjung (counter), ini akan berakibat penilaian yang buruk terhadap blog anda. Walaupun untuk beberapa penyedia layanan counter menyediakan fasilitas untuk memanipulasi dan menambah jumlah pengunjung secara manual, coba anda pikir blog yang baru di buat udah mencapai 100.000 pngunjung mustahil gak tuh?...
6. Jangan memelas untuk mengklik iklan : hindari kata "klik iklan dibawah ini" atau bahasa apapun yang meminta pengunjung anda untuk mengklik iklan. Sampai saat ini ada beberapa blog yang melakukan hal tersebut (maaf jika blog anda termasuk dalam blog ini) siapa sih didunia ini yang suka diperintah, tanpa anda menyuruh pun pengunjung bakal mengklik iklan tersebut jika dirasa berguna bagi meraka.
7. Jangan memasang iklan yang berserakan : Iklan yang banyak memang sangat menguntungkan, namun jangan sampai isi halaman anda hanya iklan dan iklan. Pasang iklan sewajarnya saja dan tahukah anda pengunjung sangat risih dengan adanya iklan yang terlihat melebihi kapasitas dari isi halaman blog anda.
8. Hindari memasang lagu pada blog : Dulu saya berpikir untuk memasang lagu di blog saya, saya berpikir kalo di kasih musik mantep kali ya... Tapi ternyata semua itu hanya membuat blog kita terlihat gak profsional. Selain bikin halaman berat blog yang menampilkan lagu agak terkesan tidak profesional dan maaf agak jadul (jaman dulu). Gak masalah jika blog anda tentang musik atau blog personal tapi untuk blog bisnis kayaknya kurang cocok.
9. Menampilkan status IP pengunjung : Blog anda bukan program spy khan?, jadi lebih baik gak usah dipasang agar pengunjung tidak merasa dimata-matai.
10. Memasang widgets yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan blog : Menambahkan widgets memang menyenangkan tapi jika tidak ada hubungannya malah blog anda terkesan aneh. Pasanglah widget sesuai dengan kebutuhan saja.
11. Jangan hanya Copy-Paste : Saya tidak melarang anda untuk melakukan Copy-Paste, jika memang dilakukan sebaiknya perbaiki juga code scriptnya, hargai jerih payah penulis sbenarnya karena jika hanya Copy-Paste tulisannya tidak bakal terlihat rapih dan kemungkinan gambar yang di sertakan gak bakal muncul.
12. Perhatikan tanda baca : Perhatikan tulisan anda apakah sudah benar tanda bacanya. Kesalahan dalam titk koma saja akan berakibat mempunyai arti berbeda.
13. Jangan gunakan gambar berukuran besar : Gambar memang mempercantik halaman anda, gambar yang besar justru jadi bumerang buat loading page anda. Yang jelas blog anda pasti akan diabaikan untuk sementara waktu ketika loading page sedang berjalan.
14. Periksa dead link : Link yang telah mati bakal tidak di sukai pembaca, jangankan pembaca search engine pun tidak menyukai hal ini. Lakukan pengecekan dead link sesering mungkin, banyak tools di internet yang bisa melakukan tugas ini. Contohnya saja linktiger situs ini adalah salah satu yang menyediakan fasilitas untuk mengecek dead link.
15. Selalu pasang nama sumber artikel : Blog yang profesional selalu menghargai jerih payah orang lain, yang jelas memasang nama sumber tidak merugikan anda sedikitpun sebaiknya hargai jerih payah orang lain itulah yang membuat anda terlihat lebih profesional.
17. Cara merespon komentar yang baik : Jangan pernah brsikap menggurui, hargai semua komentar dengan bijak walaupun ada beberapa komentar yang menyebalkan. Ingat! blog tempat orang menuangkan semua ide dan pemikiran jadi semua orang pasti mempunyai pendapat yang berbeda.
Semoga tips-tips diatas dapat bermanfaat untuk kita semua, mari ciptakan blog yang profesional..
Happy Blogging with Armand.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Mengungkap Fenomena Maraknya Hotspot
Udah bukan hal yang baru lagi bagi kita saat melihat pengunjung mall dengan antusias melahap berita dari Internet melalui laptop di depannya, dengan hanya di temani sebotol air mineral atau snack udah dapat mengakses internet. Atau sekelompok mahasiswa yang menghabiskan waktunya di lingkungan kampus demi 'gratisan' Internet setiap hari. Namun jika kita cermati dengan baik, sebenarnya apakah sasaran utama dari penyedia layanan ini pada ruang publik kita?
Ada banyak sekali alasan untuk suatu pihak memasang hotspot pada lokal area bisnisnya. Sebut saja kampus, karena institusi pendidikan ini mempunyai tujuan paling 'mulia' dalam pemasangan hotspot. Tujuan utama suatu kampus dalam menyediakan layanan hotspot tentu saja untuk memperluas akses civitas akademikanya terhadap informasi global melalui Internet.
Seperti yang kita ketahui sejak banyaknya kampus menyediakan layanan hotspot memang kampus tersebut berhasil menjadi 'rumah kedua' bagi sebagian mahasiswa. Namun untuk alasan apakah mereka betah berlama-lama tinggal di kampus dengan laptop atau PDA-nya. Sebagian besar dari mahasiswa itu pasti semata-mata hanya karena 'gratis'. Karena seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, bahwa biaya komunikasi di Indonesia, termasuk untuk koneksi Internet, masih relatif mahal jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain. Itulah mengapa para mahasiswa lebih memilih 'gratis' di kampus, daripada 'bayar' di luar.
Aspek fasilitas kampus merupakan salah satu faktor penentu layak tidaknya sebuah perguruan tinggi disebut 'bergengsi'. Bayangkan jika sebuah perguruan tinggi ternama sekelas UGM atau UI tidak mempunyai hotspot. Apa kata dunia? Itulah mengapa saat ini banyak kampus berlomba memperbaiki infrastrukturnya, termasuk infrastruktur IT-nya.
Lalu bagaiman dengan pemasangan hotspot pada suatu pusat keramaian? Untuk yang satu ini, alasannya sangat mudah di tebak, tak lain dan tak bukan adalah aspek bisnis semata. Ya sebuah ruang public yang menyediakan hotspot pastilah akan menarik bagi para surfer untuk mendatanginya, para surfer ini biasanya berasal dari ekonomi menengah ke atas. ini merupakan suatu nilai tambah bagi proses marketing suatu pusat keramaian seperti cafe, mall dll.
jadi sebenarnya hal terpenting dari fenomena maraknya pemasangan hotspot saat ini adalah bukan untuk apa mereka memasangnya, namun bagaimana kita memanfaatkannya. Orang yang memakai layanan tersebut hanya untuk sekedar mengetahui gossip artis dan film terkini tentunya tidak akan mendapat manfaat yang sama dengan orang yang memakainya untuk bekerja melihat harga saham. Begitu juga dengan mahasiswa, walaupun sama-sama mendapat akses gratis di kampus, tergantung dengan bagaimana mereka akan memanfaatkannya.
Ada banyak sekali alasan untuk suatu pihak memasang hotspot pada lokal area bisnisnya. Sebut saja kampus, karena institusi pendidikan ini mempunyai tujuan paling 'mulia' dalam pemasangan hotspot. Tujuan utama suatu kampus dalam menyediakan layanan hotspot tentu saja untuk memperluas akses civitas akademikanya terhadap informasi global melalui Internet.
Seperti yang kita ketahui sejak banyaknya kampus menyediakan layanan hotspot memang kampus tersebut berhasil menjadi 'rumah kedua' bagi sebagian mahasiswa. Namun untuk alasan apakah mereka betah berlama-lama tinggal di kampus dengan laptop atau PDA-nya. Sebagian besar dari mahasiswa itu pasti semata-mata hanya karena 'gratis'. Karena seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, bahwa biaya komunikasi di Indonesia, termasuk untuk koneksi Internet, masih relatif mahal jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain. Itulah mengapa para mahasiswa lebih memilih 'gratis' di kampus, daripada 'bayar' di luar.
Aspek fasilitas kampus merupakan salah satu faktor penentu layak tidaknya sebuah perguruan tinggi disebut 'bergengsi'. Bayangkan jika sebuah perguruan tinggi ternama sekelas UGM atau UI tidak mempunyai hotspot. Apa kata dunia? Itulah mengapa saat ini banyak kampus berlomba memperbaiki infrastrukturnya, termasuk infrastruktur IT-nya.
Lalu bagaiman dengan pemasangan hotspot pada suatu pusat keramaian? Untuk yang satu ini, alasannya sangat mudah di tebak, tak lain dan tak bukan adalah aspek bisnis semata. Ya sebuah ruang public yang menyediakan hotspot pastilah akan menarik bagi para surfer untuk mendatanginya, para surfer ini biasanya berasal dari ekonomi menengah ke atas. ini merupakan suatu nilai tambah bagi proses marketing suatu pusat keramaian seperti cafe, mall dll.
jadi sebenarnya hal terpenting dari fenomena maraknya pemasangan hotspot saat ini adalah bukan untuk apa mereka memasangnya, namun bagaimana kita memanfaatkannya. Orang yang memakai layanan tersebut hanya untuk sekedar mengetahui gossip artis dan film terkini tentunya tidak akan mendapat manfaat yang sama dengan orang yang memakainya untuk bekerja melihat harga saham. Begitu juga dengan mahasiswa, walaupun sama-sama mendapat akses gratis di kampus, tergantung dengan bagaimana mereka akan memanfaatkannya.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Forex Simplified
A market expert doesn't often illustrate the possible pitfalls of forex trading with analogies about shoe shopping as Marilyn McDonald does in "Forex Simplified," but that is part of this book's charm. It is both entertaining and educational, with a conversational tone and genuine enthusiasm for forex trading not always found in similar tomes.
The book is geared towards beginning forex traders, offering basic definitions and outlining common traps for novice traders. She advises avoiding companies that promise little or no risk and firms that pressure you into trading immediately. She explains the importance of researching a company's track record before trading, and the book emphasizes throughout that forex trading involves risk and requires discipline.
The book includes a chapter on the benefits and components of both fundamental and technical analysis as they apply to forex. She explains macroeconomic indicators, asset markets and politics as well as the finer points of technical analysis including trends and types of indicators.
Another chapter offers advice on economic news and how it affects the market. McDonald says that beginning traders especially shouldn't trade the news, because, just like in the movie Fight Club, there are two rules in Trade Club: 1 ) The market doesn't make any sense, and 2) Even when it seems like it is making sense, the market doesn't make any sense.
There is a section on automated trading and how to write and test automated strategies, as well as a chapter on the role that emotions can play in trading. McDonald encourages traders to stay focused and set goals and stick to them. She says you will get emotional when you trade, but don't let your emotions get in the way of making rational decisions. The book also offers steps for developing a trading plan that includes strategies for buying, selling and holding, and advice on the best times to trade. McDonald notes that while a lot of forex traders say the best time to trade is at 2 a.m., the best time to trade is really any time there's more than one market open (i.e., when there's higher volume and higher liquidity). The book is breezy in tone, but by no means short on valuable information. Its appendices offer further research and graphs on common indicators, chart patterns and a guide to reading candlestick patterns, as well as more information on specific economic reports and a glossary of common forex terms. "Forex Simplified" is a great resource for the beginning forex trader and an interesting read.
The book is geared towards beginning forex traders, offering basic definitions and outlining common traps for novice traders. She advises avoiding companies that promise little or no risk and firms that pressure you into trading immediately. She explains the importance of researching a company's track record before trading, and the book emphasizes throughout that forex trading involves risk and requires discipline.
The book includes a chapter on the benefits and components of both fundamental and technical analysis as they apply to forex. She explains macroeconomic indicators, asset markets and politics as well as the finer points of technical analysis including trends and types of indicators.
Another chapter offers advice on economic news and how it affects the market. McDonald says that beginning traders especially shouldn't trade the news, because, just like in the movie Fight Club, there are two rules in Trade Club: 1 ) The market doesn't make any sense, and 2) Even when it seems like it is making sense, the market doesn't make any sense.
There is a section on automated trading and how to write and test automated strategies, as well as a chapter on the role that emotions can play in trading. McDonald encourages traders to stay focused and set goals and stick to them. She says you will get emotional when you trade, but don't let your emotions get in the way of making rational decisions. The book also offers steps for developing a trading plan that includes strategies for buying, selling and holding, and advice on the best times to trade. McDonald notes that while a lot of forex traders say the best time to trade is at 2 a.m., the best time to trade is really any time there's more than one market open (i.e., when there's higher volume and higher liquidity). The book is breezy in tone, but by no means short on valuable information. Its appendices offer further research and graphs on common indicators, chart patterns and a guide to reading candlestick patterns, as well as more information on specific economic reports and a glossary of common forex terms. "Forex Simplified" is a great resource for the beginning forex trader and an interesting read.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Update AVG membuat file system windows terhapus
Meng-update anti virus bagi kita para pengguna komputer sangat lah penting.Agar terbebas dari virus. Karena semakin hari, virus yang di ciptakan semakin beragam. Tujuan kita menga-update anti virus tidak lain dan tidak bukan untuk menjaga agar data-data yang kita miliki tidak terserang oleh virus.
Namun apabila update-an anti virus yang kita gunakan, dapat menghapus system pada komputer kita? pastinya ini sangat tidak lah menyenagkan bukan?.....
Nah anda mesti berhati-hati pada sebuah update anti virus AVG 8 untuk system operasi Windows 2000, XP dan Vista. antivirus AVG 8 ini telah memberikan adanya kesalahan peringatan dari antivirus tersebut bahwa file system dalam Windows, user32.dll, adalah sebuah virus Trojan horse.
Seperti yang di tulis oleh beritaNet[dot]com bahwa masalah kesalahan warning AVG ini juga berpengaruh kepada antivirus yang sama versi Belanda, Perancis, Italia, Portugis, dan Spanyol.
Sementara itu, AVG Technologies dengan cepat segera mengoreksi masalah kesalahan tersebut baik untuk AVG versi free atau paid version. Jika user melakukan interaksi atas warning dari update AVG 8 tersebut, maka file user32.dll akan terhapus, dan seketika meninggalkan system Windows XP dengan rebooting atau tidak bisa reboot kembali.
Permasalah dari anti virus AVG ini melakukan remedy terhadap masalah tersebut untuk user dan memberikan update terbaru untuk versi commercial dan free dari AVG 7.5 dan AVG 8.0 untuk berbagai bahasa. Untuk user yang menginstal update AVG 8.0 tersebut akan menerima adanya peringatan bahwa file system Windows user32.dll versi product 5.1.2600.3099 telah terinfeksi oleh Trojan dan dianjurkan untuk dihapus dalam pengoperasian Windows XP.
Namun apabila update-an anti virus yang kita gunakan, dapat menghapus system pada komputer kita? pastinya ini sangat tidak lah menyenagkan bukan?.....
Nah anda mesti berhati-hati pada sebuah update anti virus AVG 8 untuk system operasi Windows 2000, XP dan Vista. antivirus AVG 8 ini telah memberikan adanya kesalahan peringatan dari antivirus tersebut bahwa file system dalam Windows, user32.dll, adalah sebuah virus Trojan horse.
Seperti yang di tulis oleh beritaNet[dot]com bahwa masalah kesalahan warning AVG ini juga berpengaruh kepada antivirus yang sama versi Belanda, Perancis, Italia, Portugis, dan Spanyol.
Sementara itu, AVG Technologies dengan cepat segera mengoreksi masalah kesalahan tersebut baik untuk AVG versi free atau paid version. Jika user melakukan interaksi atas warning dari update AVG 8 tersebut, maka file user32.dll akan terhapus, dan seketika meninggalkan system Windows XP dengan rebooting atau tidak bisa reboot kembali.
Permasalah dari anti virus AVG ini melakukan remedy terhadap masalah tersebut untuk user dan memberikan update terbaru untuk versi commercial dan free dari AVG 7.5 dan AVG 8.0 untuk berbagai bahasa. Untuk user yang menginstal update AVG 8.0 tersebut akan menerima adanya peringatan bahwa file system Windows user32.dll versi product 5.1.2600.3099 telah terinfeksi oleh Trojan dan dianjurkan untuk dihapus dalam pengoperasian Windows XP.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Cara akses internet cepat
Sering kali selagi kita internet-an kita mengalami hal yang membuat kita gak nyaman dalam internet. Proses internet yang lama serta akses yang loading membuat kita jengkel. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan akses internet menjadi lambat. Di antaranya Bandwidth yang kecil. Serta modem yang di gunakan kurang memadai.Contoh nya saja di pelosok indonesia, dengan bandwidth yang sangat kecil, akses internet di sana masih sangat lambat.
Bandwidth yang besar juga terkadang menjadi lambat apabila pengguna nya banyak. Bandwith di ibaratkan jalan yang lebar, apabila kita berjalan sendirian di jalan lebar tersebut, pasti kita akan sangat lancar tanpa ada nya suatu hambatan.
Namun apabila jalan lebar tersebut di penuhi oleh beberapa orang, otomatis kita ingin berjalan juga semakin sulit. Bisa-bisa jalan lebar tersebut menjadi macet. Nah bandwidth juga seperti itu. Semakin banyak yang menggunakan bandwidth, semakin lambat akses internet nya.
Nah.. ada bnyak cara agar anda dapat meng-akses internet dengan cepat. Di antara nya
dengan menggunakan web accelerator.Banyak tersedia web accelerator yang dapat mempercepat akses internet. Contoh nya saja pada situs majorgeeks[dot]com, situs ini menawarkan suatu aplikasi yang dapat memperlancar akses internet. Di dalam aplikasi ini kita dapat memilih high speed, medium speed, atau low speed. Hasil gambar yang di hasilkan dari web accelerator ini juga tidak rusak. Hati senang, Meng-akses internet pun jadi semakin cepat.
Anda dapat download aplikasi Web Accelerator di sini.

Selamat mencoba...
Bandwidth yang besar juga terkadang menjadi lambat apabila pengguna nya banyak. Bandwith di ibaratkan jalan yang lebar, apabila kita berjalan sendirian di jalan lebar tersebut, pasti kita akan sangat lancar tanpa ada nya suatu hambatan.
Namun apabila jalan lebar tersebut di penuhi oleh beberapa orang, otomatis kita ingin berjalan juga semakin sulit. Bisa-bisa jalan lebar tersebut menjadi macet. Nah bandwidth juga seperti itu. Semakin banyak yang menggunakan bandwidth, semakin lambat akses internet nya.
Nah.. ada bnyak cara agar anda dapat meng-akses internet dengan cepat. Di antara nya
dengan menggunakan web accelerator.Banyak tersedia web accelerator yang dapat mempercepat akses internet. Contoh nya saja pada situs majorgeeks[dot]com, situs ini menawarkan suatu aplikasi yang dapat memperlancar akses internet. Di dalam aplikasi ini kita dapat memilih high speed, medium speed, atau low speed. Hasil gambar yang di hasilkan dari web accelerator ini juga tidak rusak. Hati senang, Meng-akses internet pun jadi semakin cepat.
Anda dapat download aplikasi Web Accelerator di sini.
Selamat mencoba...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Situs Saran & voting untuk Obama
Baru-baru ini dunia telah di gemparkan atas terpilih nya Barack Obama sebagai presiden Amerika Serikat yang menang atas Jhon McCain. Bahkan di tanah air kita pun menjadi bincangan hangat para masyarakat indonesia. Sosok orang yang satu ini seakan-akan telah menghipnotis perhatian dunia, agar tertuju kepadanya.
Meski belum mendapatkan gelar sebagai Chief Technology Officer, namun para pengguna internet menunggu kepastian apa yang menjadi prioritas dari kabinet baru yang di bangun oleh Obama. sebuah situs tanpa ada koneksi dari tim transisi Obama yang baru saja di luncurkan tahun ini memudahkan user untuk memberikan kritik dan saran.
Contoh kritik dan saran yang ada pada situs tersebut, seperti memastikan internet bebas akses dan netralisasi jaringan sebesar 6,380 suara, memastikan "Open Government Data" sebesar 2,908 suara, dan sebagai nya. Situs ini di buat oleh perusahaan yang bermarkas di Seattle, Front Seat, dan situs ini juga sama dengan atau yang membuat user mudah memasukkan saran atau pertanyaan untuk presiden.
Pemberian gelar CTO ini telah di tentukan sebelumnya, bahwa siapa saja yang menang akan mendapatkan nya. Dan Obama dari partai Demokrat lah yang mendapatkan gelar tersebut. Untuk itu Obama benar-benar sangat memperhatikan keadaan internet. Karena Internet telah mengsukseskan jalan nya pemiliha presiden. Dan Obama merancang sebuah perubahan administrasi yang lebih interaktif di bandingkan dengan para pendahulu nya.
Meski belum mendapatkan gelar sebagai Chief Technology Officer, namun para pengguna internet menunggu kepastian apa yang menjadi prioritas dari kabinet baru yang di bangun oleh Obama. sebuah situs tanpa ada koneksi dari tim transisi Obama yang baru saja di luncurkan tahun ini memudahkan user untuk memberikan kritik dan saran.
Contoh kritik dan saran yang ada pada situs tersebut, seperti memastikan internet bebas akses dan netralisasi jaringan sebesar 6,380 suara, memastikan "Open Government Data" sebesar 2,908 suara, dan sebagai nya. Situs ini di buat oleh perusahaan yang bermarkas di Seattle, Front Seat, dan situs ini juga sama dengan atau yang membuat user mudah memasukkan saran atau pertanyaan untuk presiden.
Pemberian gelar CTO ini telah di tentukan sebelumnya, bahwa siapa saja yang menang akan mendapatkan nya. Dan Obama dari partai Demokrat lah yang mendapatkan gelar tersebut. Untuk itu Obama benar-benar sangat memperhatikan keadaan internet. Karena Internet telah mengsukseskan jalan nya pemiliha presiden. Dan Obama merancang sebuah perubahan administrasi yang lebih interaktif di bandingkan dengan para pendahulu nya.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
McAfee Menemukan domain berbahaya!
Ketika anda sedang melakukan surfing, anda pasti mengharapkan Website yang anda kunjungi adalah Website yang aman dari virus.
Namun tidak semua domain bisa seperti itu.
Anti Virus McAfee, menyatakan bahwa perusahaan yang memiliki alamat yang tertera pada website sepertinya telah mengalami krisis keamanan.
Ketika situs pemilik alamat situs tersebut mendaftarkan kepada suatu domain tertentu. McAfee menemukan bahwa terdapat beberapa domain yang di anggap berbahaya untuk navigasi user, seperti ".hk" (Hong Kong), ".cn" (China), dan ".info"(information).
Dari semua domain yang berbahaya, domain ".hk", stelah di tes oleh McAfee, domain tersebut memberikan kontribusi 19,2% sebagai domain yang berbahaya atau berpotensi untuk menimbulkan bahaya bagi para pengunjung situs.
Sementara ".cn" berpotensi menimbulkan bahaya sebesar 11,8% dan ".info" sebesar 11,7% sisanya situs di bawah domain ".com" yang cukup populer memiliki potensi sebesar 5%.
Pada situs McAfee, Mapping The Mal Web. McAfee mengatakan untuk mencoba untuk mengidentifikasi domain yang memiliki resiko situs berbahaya dengan konsentrasi tinggi. Server situs dengan domain ".hk" dan ".cn" tidak harus berada di cina sehingga operator website dapat melakukan register situs di mana saja. Domain lain yang beresiko seperti ".ro" (Romania) dengan kadar 6,8% dan ".ru" (Rusia) dengan resiko sebesar 6%.
Sorang peneliti dari McAfee, Shane Keats, mengatakan, penambahan situs di bawah ".hk" dan ".cn" yang di anggap berbahaya, telah di sebabkan pengumpulan data oleh McAfee pada domain tersebut dan pada beberapa proses register alamat yang di lakukan perusahaan. Laporan McAfee ini berdasarkan 9,9 juta website yang di tes dalam 265 domain untuk di masuki malicious code, pop-up yang berlebihan atau form pengisian yang sebenar nya adalah alat untuk para spammer untuk mengirimkan email spam.
McAfee juga menemukan nama domain yang sedikit berbahaya seperti:
".gov"(di gunakan oleh pemerintah), dengan 0.05%
".jp" (Japan), dengan 0.1%
".au" (Australia), dengan 0.3%
Namun tidak semua domain bisa seperti itu.
Anti Virus McAfee, menyatakan bahwa perusahaan yang memiliki alamat yang tertera pada website sepertinya telah mengalami krisis keamanan.
Ketika situs pemilik alamat situs tersebut mendaftarkan kepada suatu domain tertentu. McAfee menemukan bahwa terdapat beberapa domain yang di anggap berbahaya untuk navigasi user, seperti ".hk" (Hong Kong), ".cn" (China), dan ".info"(information).
Dari semua domain yang berbahaya, domain ".hk", stelah di tes oleh McAfee, domain tersebut memberikan kontribusi 19,2% sebagai domain yang berbahaya atau berpotensi untuk menimbulkan bahaya bagi para pengunjung situs.
Sementara ".cn" berpotensi menimbulkan bahaya sebesar 11,8% dan ".info" sebesar 11,7% sisanya situs di bawah domain ".com" yang cukup populer memiliki potensi sebesar 5%.
Pada situs McAfee, Mapping The Mal Web. McAfee mengatakan untuk mencoba untuk mengidentifikasi domain yang memiliki resiko situs berbahaya dengan konsentrasi tinggi. Server situs dengan domain ".hk" dan ".cn" tidak harus berada di cina sehingga operator website dapat melakukan register situs di mana saja. Domain lain yang beresiko seperti ".ro" (Romania) dengan kadar 6,8% dan ".ru" (Rusia) dengan resiko sebesar 6%.
Sorang peneliti dari McAfee, Shane Keats, mengatakan, penambahan situs di bawah ".hk" dan ".cn" yang di anggap berbahaya, telah di sebabkan pengumpulan data oleh McAfee pada domain tersebut dan pada beberapa proses register alamat yang di lakukan perusahaan. Laporan McAfee ini berdasarkan 9,9 juta website yang di tes dalam 265 domain untuk di masuki malicious code, pop-up yang berlebihan atau form pengisian yang sebenar nya adalah alat untuk para spammer untuk mengirimkan email spam.
McAfee juga menemukan nama domain yang sedikit berbahaya seperti:
How does anti-virus software work?
How does anti-virus software work?
An anti-virus software program is a computer program that can be used to scan files to identify and eliminate computer viruses and other malicious software (malware).
Anti-virus software typically uses two different techniques to accomplish this:
Examining files to look for known viruses by means of a virus dictionary
Identifying suspicious behavior from any computer program which might indicate infection
Most commercial anti-virus software uses both of these approaches, with an emphasis on the virus dictionary approach.
Virus dictionary approach
In the virus dictionary approach, when the anti-virus software examines a file, it refers to a dictionary of known viruses that have been identified by the author of the anti-virus software. If a piece of code in the file matches any virus identified in the dictionary, then the anti-virus software can then either delete the file, quarantine it so that the file is inaccessible to other programs and its virus is unable to spread, or attempt to repair the file by removing the virus itself from the file.
To be successful in the medium and long term, the virus dictionary approach requires periodic online downloads of updated virus dictionary entries. As new viruses are identified "in the wild", civically minded and technically inclined users can send their infected files to the authors of anti-virus software, who then include information about the new viruses in their dictionaries.
Dictionary-based anti-virus software typically examines files when the computer's operating system creates, opens, and closes them; and when the files are e-mailed. In this way, a known virus can be detected immediately upon receipt. The software can also typically be scheduled to examine all files on the user's hard disk on a regular basis.
Although the dictionary approach is considered effective, virus authors have tried to stay a step ahead of such software by writing "polymorphic viruses", which encrypt parts of themselves or otherwise modify themselves as a method of disguise, so as to not match the virus's signature in the dictionary.
Suspicious behavior approach
The suspicious behavior approach, by contrast, doesn't attempt to identify known viruses, but instead monitors the behavior of all programs. If one program tries to write data to an executable program, for example, this is flagged as suspicious behavior and the user is alerted to this, and asked what to do.
Unlike the dictionary approach, the suspicious behavior approach therefore provides protection against brand-new viruses that do not yet exist in any virus dictionaries. However, it also sounds a large number of false positives, and users probably become desensitized to all the warnings. If the user clicks "Accept" on every such warning, then the anti-virus software is obviously useless to that user. This problem has especially been made worse over the past 7 years, since many more nonmalicious program designs chose to modify other .exes without regards to this false positive issue. Thus, most modern anti virus software uses this technique less and less.
Other ways to detect viruses
Some antivirus-software will try to emulate the beginning of the code of each new executable that is being executed before transferring control to the executable. If the program seems to be using self-modifying code or otherwise appears as a virus (it immeadeatly tries to find other executables), one could assume that the executable has been infected with a virus. However, this method results in a lot of false positives.
Yet another detection method is using a sandbox. A sandbox emulates the operating system and runs the executable in this simulation. After the program has terminated, the sandbox is analysed for changes which might indicate a virus. Because of performance issues this type of detection is normally only performed during on-demand scans.
Issues of concern
Macro viruses, arguably the most destructive and widespread computer viruses, could be prevented far more inexpensively and effectively, and without the need of all users to buy anti-virus software, if Microsoft would fix security flaws in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office related to the execution of downloaded code and to the ability of document macros to spread and wreak havoc.
User education is as important as anti-virus software; simply training users in safe computing practices, such as not downloading and executing unknown programs from the Internet, would slow the spread of viruses, without the need of anti-virus software.
Computer users should not always run with administrator access to their own machine. If they would simply run in user mode then some types of viruses would not be able to spread.
The dictionary approach to detecting viruses is often insufficient due to the continual creation of new viruses, yet the suspicious behavior approach is ineffective due to the false positive problem; hence, the current understanding of anti-virus software will never conquer computer viruses.
There are various methods of encrypting and packing malicious software which will make even well-known viruses undetectable to anti-virus software. Detecting these "camouflaged" viruses requires a powerful unpacking engine, which can decrypt the files before examining them. Unfortunately, many popular anti-virus programs do not have this and thus are often unable to detect encrypted viruses.
Companies that sell anti-virus software seem to have a financial incentive for viruses to be written and to spread, and for the public to panic over the threat.
An anti-virus software program is a computer program that can be used to scan files to identify and eliminate computer viruses and other malicious software (malware).
Anti-virus software typically uses two different techniques to accomplish this:
Examining files to look for known viruses by means of a virus dictionary
Identifying suspicious behavior from any computer program which might indicate infection
Most commercial anti-virus software uses both of these approaches, with an emphasis on the virus dictionary approach.
Virus dictionary approach
In the virus dictionary approach, when the anti-virus software examines a file, it refers to a dictionary of known viruses that have been identified by the author of the anti-virus software. If a piece of code in the file matches any virus identified in the dictionary, then the anti-virus software can then either delete the file, quarantine it so that the file is inaccessible to other programs and its virus is unable to spread, or attempt to repair the file by removing the virus itself from the file.
To be successful in the medium and long term, the virus dictionary approach requires periodic online downloads of updated virus dictionary entries. As new viruses are identified "in the wild", civically minded and technically inclined users can send their infected files to the authors of anti-virus software, who then include information about the new viruses in their dictionaries.
Dictionary-based anti-virus software typically examines files when the computer's operating system creates, opens, and closes them; and when the files are e-mailed. In this way, a known virus can be detected immediately upon receipt. The software can also typically be scheduled to examine all files on the user's hard disk on a regular basis.
Although the dictionary approach is considered effective, virus authors have tried to stay a step ahead of such software by writing "polymorphic viruses", which encrypt parts of themselves or otherwise modify themselves as a method of disguise, so as to not match the virus's signature in the dictionary.
Suspicious behavior approach
The suspicious behavior approach, by contrast, doesn't attempt to identify known viruses, but instead monitors the behavior of all programs. If one program tries to write data to an executable program, for example, this is flagged as suspicious behavior and the user is alerted to this, and asked what to do.
Unlike the dictionary approach, the suspicious behavior approach therefore provides protection against brand-new viruses that do not yet exist in any virus dictionaries. However, it also sounds a large number of false positives, and users probably become desensitized to all the warnings. If the user clicks "Accept" on every such warning, then the anti-virus software is obviously useless to that user. This problem has especially been made worse over the past 7 years, since many more nonmalicious program designs chose to modify other .exes without regards to this false positive issue. Thus, most modern anti virus software uses this technique less and less.
Other ways to detect viruses
Some antivirus-software will try to emulate the beginning of the code of each new executable that is being executed before transferring control to the executable. If the program seems to be using self-modifying code or otherwise appears as a virus (it immeadeatly tries to find other executables), one could assume that the executable has been infected with a virus. However, this method results in a lot of false positives.
Yet another detection method is using a sandbox. A sandbox emulates the operating system and runs the executable in this simulation. After the program has terminated, the sandbox is analysed for changes which might indicate a virus. Because of performance issues this type of detection is normally only performed during on-demand scans.
Issues of concern
Macro viruses, arguably the most destructive and widespread computer viruses, could be prevented far more inexpensively and effectively, and without the need of all users to buy anti-virus software, if Microsoft would fix security flaws in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office related to the execution of downloaded code and to the ability of document macros to spread and wreak havoc.
User education is as important as anti-virus software; simply training users in safe computing practices, such as not downloading and executing unknown programs from the Internet, would slow the spread of viruses, without the need of anti-virus software.
Computer users should not always run with administrator access to their own machine. If they would simply run in user mode then some types of viruses would not be able to spread.
The dictionary approach to detecting viruses is often insufficient due to the continual creation of new viruses, yet the suspicious behavior approach is ineffective due to the false positive problem; hence, the current understanding of anti-virus software will never conquer computer viruses.
There are various methods of encrypting and packing malicious software which will make even well-known viruses undetectable to anti-virus software. Detecting these "camouflaged" viruses requires a powerful unpacking engine, which can decrypt the files before examining them. Unfortunately, many popular anti-virus programs do not have this and thus are often unable to detect encrypted viruses.
Companies that sell anti-virus software seem to have a financial incentive for viruses to be written and to spread, and for the public to panic over the threat.
Wireless Internet Options for New Businesses
Starting a business is one of the most intimidating things imaginable. You'll have to expose yourself to considerable financial and personal risk, of course, and you'll have to accept the fact that you may lose money. You'll quickly learn that you can save money by using technology as intelligently as possible. No technology will, by itself, make your business succeed or fail. You can, however, make sure that you're using it to its maximum possible level of effectiveness and not paying for technologies you do not need.
If you're getting set up, you'll need broadband Internet access. Today, there are far better options than just getting a standard connection from a telephone or a cable television company. You can get Internet connectivity that is actually completely wireless. This is not wireless Internet service in the sense with which you're probably familiar. Wi-Fi is the term for the short-range connections that are provided in many offices. The type of wireless being discussed here is very long-range. It can cover an entire city, in fact. This service is delivered at broadband speeds and, if your freedom is part of the reason you're going into business for yourself, it's a good option to explore.
4G wireless broadband is the latest in ISP technology. Instead of just wirelessly redistributing a DSL or cable connection, this service actually offers a complete wireless solution in and of itself. The technology can cover a very broad area and it's secure. It works with a modem that attaches to your computer and which provides you with access to the network. The speeds it offers are very fast and are on par with other broadband solutions. It also has the capability to cover your telecom needs at very affordable prices.
The 4G wireless technology available today can be integrated with voice over IP technology. VoIP technology provides a viable alternative to expensive office telephone systems. Of course, you can take your office phone with you wherever you go, as well. Instead of giving every client your cell phone number, which can result in innumerable hassles, you can simply give them your office number and, wherever you are, you can answer or return calls to and from that number. This is a money-saving solution for any new business, as telecom companies tend to be among the most expensive of all contractors, especially where new systems are concerned.
If your business is one that employs other workers, this technology is even more useful. You can offer the 4G connection to your employees and allow them to work from their homes or anywhere else. This allows you to avoid spending the considerable amounts of money required for an office. With more and more desirable employees demanding the option to telecommute, you can avail yourself of the best possible people to help your business grow. You can also make sure that you're on the cutting edge, but not so deeply invested in it that you buy technology that you don't use.
If you're getting set up, you'll need broadband Internet access. Today, there are far better options than just getting a standard connection from a telephone or a cable television company. You can get Internet connectivity that is actually completely wireless. This is not wireless Internet service in the sense with which you're probably familiar. Wi-Fi is the term for the short-range connections that are provided in many offices. The type of wireless being discussed here is very long-range. It can cover an entire city, in fact. This service is delivered at broadband speeds and, if your freedom is part of the reason you're going into business for yourself, it's a good option to explore.
4G wireless broadband is the latest in ISP technology. Instead of just wirelessly redistributing a DSL or cable connection, this service actually offers a complete wireless solution in and of itself. The technology can cover a very broad area and it's secure. It works with a modem that attaches to your computer and which provides you with access to the network. The speeds it offers are very fast and are on par with other broadband solutions. It also has the capability to cover your telecom needs at very affordable prices.
The 4G wireless technology available today can be integrated with voice over IP technology. VoIP technology provides a viable alternative to expensive office telephone systems. Of course, you can take your office phone with you wherever you go, as well. Instead of giving every client your cell phone number, which can result in innumerable hassles, you can simply give them your office number and, wherever you are, you can answer or return calls to and from that number. This is a money-saving solution for any new business, as telecom companies tend to be among the most expensive of all contractors, especially where new systems are concerned.
If your business is one that employs other workers, this technology is even more useful. You can offer the 4G connection to your employees and allow them to work from their homes or anywhere else. This allows you to avoid spending the considerable amounts of money required for an office. With more and more desirable employees demanding the option to telecommute, you can avail yourself of the best possible people to help your business grow. You can also make sure that you're on the cutting edge, but not so deeply invested in it that you buy technology that you don't use.
Tips you Can Use to Based Crm Software Web
In the next few paragraphs, we will explore new ideas and thoughts that may help you achieve your goal and decide what is best for you.
Would you like to find out what those-in-the-know have to say about based crm software web? The information in the editorial below comes straight from well-informed experts with exclusive knowledge about based crm software web.
One of the essential factors in the victory of any group is the liaison it shares with its customers. CRM or patron Relationship Management designates all skin of interaction a group shares with its customer. This includes everything from sales to service.
CRM is mainly a concern strategy intended to accrue gains, produce revenue and cater to client needs and satisfaction. With the e-media selection up pace, the mode in which companies style their CRM strategies has terribly changed. This has even altered the customers purchasing attitude. So these days CRM too has become a web based effort as most of the client relationship is handled electronically.
We hope that the first part of this article as brought you a lot of much needed information on the subject at hand.
The web based CRM ceremony is more effective. Web-based CRM military mainly covers three areas of service- sales force automation, management of client relationships and client military and automated marketing.
A web-based CRM software is a web-based structure used for dealings management, marketing and sales support, task tracking and other tasks associated with CRM. This software enables teams and departments to stake a middle and bright database. The software facilitates its users with an online dealings director and a project-tracking tool, whichever over the web or inside the corporate intranet. With the aid of the CRM software you can outlook and handle contacts, customers record, hot leads, projects and left-out work, from anywhere and with any web-browser. Moreover unlike the intervening and wanted to be testified upgrades of an enterprise software, the upgrades to the web based software do not shape the organizations ordered operations in any manner. Due to these skin more and more companies are ambitious towards this web-based software.
Think about what you've read so far. Does it underpin what you already know about based crm software web? Or was there something completely new? What about the enduring paragraphs?
Siebel Systems Inc., HydraNet and advocate CRM are some eminent names in web-based software service. Lately SAP has also blessed the advertise with on-demand shopper Relationship Management solution. A web based CRM has many names out of which on-demand CRM is one.
These systems impart agents with the most up-to-date information on all shopper repair transactions. The software adds to the strategic value and affair of the organization by automating sales, marketing and shopper service. For request the SAP result specializes in providing core sales-force automation skin for running customers, contacts and sales pipelines.
The software runs and keeps a finished track of your data after it is downloaded or purchased and then installed on your server or web-host. commonly the CRM software runs on all significant platforms such as Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Novell (6.5) and so forth. because the software serves many purposes at the same time, it is totally expensive. However an incredible competition in the advertise has enabled the software seekers to essay their catalog to a certain extent.
In choosing a web-based CRM software it is important that the addict should initially analyze his or her finances or the finances of the organization. Secondly also safeguard your organizations partner ecosystems. A user-friendly hosted CRM system, an on premise version or the combo of both should monitor this and lastly try to go for software that can fit any font of user, any bulk visitors and in any industry.
So now you know a little bit about based crm software web. Even if you don't know everything, you've done something worthwhile: you've lingering your knowledge.
The complexities of the subject matter within this article strive to give you a better look at what this subject is all about.
Would you like to find out what those-in-the-know have to say about based crm software web? The information in the editorial below comes straight from well-informed experts with exclusive knowledge about based crm software web.
One of the essential factors in the victory of any group is the liaison it shares with its customers. CRM or patron Relationship Management designates all skin of interaction a group shares with its customer. This includes everything from sales to service.
CRM is mainly a concern strategy intended to accrue gains, produce revenue and cater to client needs and satisfaction. With the e-media selection up pace, the mode in which companies style their CRM strategies has terribly changed. This has even altered the customers purchasing attitude. So these days CRM too has become a web based effort as most of the client relationship is handled electronically.
We hope that the first part of this article as brought you a lot of much needed information on the subject at hand.
The web based CRM ceremony is more effective. Web-based CRM military mainly covers three areas of service- sales force automation, management of client relationships and client military and automated marketing.
A web-based CRM software is a web-based structure used for dealings management, marketing and sales support, task tracking and other tasks associated with CRM. This software enables teams and departments to stake a middle and bright database. The software facilitates its users with an online dealings director and a project-tracking tool, whichever over the web or inside the corporate intranet. With the aid of the CRM software you can outlook and handle contacts, customers record, hot leads, projects and left-out work, from anywhere and with any web-browser. Moreover unlike the intervening and wanted to be testified upgrades of an enterprise software, the upgrades to the web based software do not shape the organizations ordered operations in any manner. Due to these skin more and more companies are ambitious towards this web-based software.
Think about what you've read so far. Does it underpin what you already know about based crm software web? Or was there something completely new? What about the enduring paragraphs?
Siebel Systems Inc., HydraNet and advocate CRM are some eminent names in web-based software service. Lately SAP has also blessed the advertise with on-demand shopper Relationship Management solution. A web based CRM has many names out of which on-demand CRM is one.
These systems impart agents with the most up-to-date information on all shopper repair transactions. The software adds to the strategic value and affair of the organization by automating sales, marketing and shopper service. For request the SAP result specializes in providing core sales-force automation skin for running customers, contacts and sales pipelines.
The software runs and keeps a finished track of your data after it is downloaded or purchased and then installed on your server or web-host. commonly the CRM software runs on all significant platforms such as Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Novell (6.5) and so forth. because the software serves many purposes at the same time, it is totally expensive. However an incredible competition in the advertise has enabled the software seekers to essay their catalog to a certain extent.
In choosing a web-based CRM software it is important that the addict should initially analyze his or her finances or the finances of the organization. Secondly also safeguard your organizations partner ecosystems. A user-friendly hosted CRM system, an on premise version or the combo of both should monitor this and lastly try to go for software that can fit any font of user, any bulk visitors and in any industry.
So now you know a little bit about based crm software web. Even if you don't know everything, you've done something worthwhile: you've lingering your knowledge.
The complexities of the subject matter within this article strive to give you a better look at what this subject is all about.
Monday, November 17, 2008
A Guide to Software Selection
Buying decisions are the essence of life in the commerce-driven 21st century. From everyday decisions like selecting lunch from a restaurant menu, to getting a new car, to major company acquisitions, much of our time is spent “buying”. And these choices are anything but simple. Each marketer professes to be the sole champion of our consumer rights and pummels us with enticing advertising messages, about how their wares are “the best”. Seductive as these messages are, no product or service is quite the same. The difference may be glaring – that of “better vs. worse”, or a subtle tradeoff between price, quality, feature set, customer service, or durability. It is therefore important to keep our wits about & develop a systematic approach to the buying decision. Our view should be broad & farsighted, rather than buying based only on what immediately meets the eye. Hasty decisions leave us with flashy features never used, or hefty repair bills of products that came cheap. A good example of a systematic approach is when you buy a car. A myriad of factors are considered & weighed, which impact the owner for the next decade. This includes brand, performance vs. style, price, safety, terms of finance, mileage, maintenance, resale value & so many other factors.
Selecting Software
In our new “wired” modern reality, software is no less important than products & services in our everyday lives. Whether it’s a personal email program, chat software for instant connection, collaboration software to organize scattered employees, or an ERP implementation to manage company processes – there’s no surviving without them! But we’re somewhat more used to buying products & services than software, which is a relatively recent phenomenon. In many ways, selecting software is no different from selecting a product or service. Although intangible, software, also address a very real need, on which personal & professional success often depends. Naturally, some of the same purchase factors apply – brand, service, & maintenance costs. In spite of the patronizing obviousness of the above, software selection is a grey zone; an underdeveloped arena. This accounts for the high incidence of “shelfware” – software that are bought with grand intentions, but end up on dusty shelves. This is because unlike products & services, it is not so intuitively evident that software have “life cycles” & need to be “maintained”, “updated”, & “repaired”. Therefore, purchases are made based on what immediately meets the eye – technical features. This mistake is understandable, because technical features are well documented & advertised, & easy for the buyer to use as decision criteria. But with this approach, factors that are just as pertinent, but not so immediately obvious, get left out. Some research & serious thinking is needed to gauge these “hidden” factors.
Key Factors for Buying Software
1) Company History & Experience
The vendor needs to be sized up before we even go on to consider the software itself. Company background is essential because, unlike traditional companies, software companies are often small, & often beyond national boundaries. Since these companies would likely be handling our sensitive data, we need to do a background check. Some related questions are: How Long Have They Been Around? As in most cases, we can reasonably assume that past record is a good indicator of future performance. Important questions are - How long have they been around? How long have they been in the field? If they’re offering online collaboration software, have they been in this industry long enough? Even if the software is new, do they have experience developing related software? What is Their Niche? Does the company know your niche well enough to know your needs? If you are a small/mid sized business, a company mainly serving the Fortune 500 is not for you. If you work from home, it is unlikely a solution serving large offices will meet your needs. The Ultimate Testament – The Customer The ultimate judge of software is its users. To get a true picture, it is important to look at how customers are using the software & what their comments are. Does their site include a client’s list or page? Check out what customers say under testimonials, or you could even get in touch with the customers yourself for comments. Dangers There are certain things about the software industry that a buyer should be wary of. Software startups have shorter life spans than traditional companies & ride high on a success wave, but go “pop” when the industry bubble bursts. This was exemplified by the “dot com burst” of 2000. Whether the current spate of “Web 2.0” companies constitutes another expanding bubble which will inevitably burst is debatable, but it makes sense to be wary & bet your money on dependable companies with proven track records.
2) Cost
There’s no denying the importance of cost effectiveness in buying decisions across the board. Yet costs should be seen in a broad perspective, because low entry costs may well result in higher total costs along the product’s life. Features vs. Price A cost-benefit analysis makes sense, & costs need to be compared with the software’s range of features & functionalities. A document management system may not be the cheapest, but it may allow you to also set up a virtual office. Going for loads of features also constitutes a trap, because users never get around to using half of them. Needs vs. Price Another question is whether there is an overlap between features & needs at all. Many features may not relate to needs sought to be addressed. You should clearly define your needs, & classify features as “needed features” & “features not needed”. Another possible scheme of classifying features could be “must have”, “nice to have”, & “future requirements”.
3) Ease of Use/Adoption
An adoption & learning curve is involved with every new software purchase. It needs to be integrated with current systems & software, & the end users have to be brought up to speed using it. If the software is chunky & too complex, adoption resistance can occur. Ease of Use The software should have an intuitive interface, & use of features should be pretty much self evident. The shorter the learning curve training a new user, the better. The software should also have the ability to easily fit into the existing systems with which it will have to communicate. For example, a collaboration software might allow you to use some features from your Outlook itself or even share Outlook data. Adoption To get a measure of “shelfware”, i.e., software that is purchased but never used, some studies peg the number of shelved content management solutions at 20-25%. At a million dollars per implementation, that’s pretty expensive shelfware! According to another study in the US, 22% of purchased enterprise portal (ERP) licenses are never used. No doubt, “Shelfware” is a result of ill thought out purchase decisions. These studies clearly underline the importance of making an educated purchase. One possible way to protect against shelfware is the new concept of “software as a service” (SAAS) hosted software. The software is hosted by its developer, & buyers have to pay a monthly subscription, which they can opt out of anytime.Support No matter how good a software is, there are bound to be times when one can’t find out how to work a particular feature or a glitch crops up. Some software solutions may require you to hire dedicated support staff of your own, while others may be easy to use, and no specialized staff may be needed, and still others may offer free support. The cost of hiring support staff needs to be factored into the buying decision. Provider support may be in the form of live human support, or automated help engines. In case of human help, the quality of solutions, availability & conduct of support executives matter. Support can also be in the form of an extensively documented help engine, or extensive help information on the company site. This form of support is often more prompt & efficient than human help. Training Training is another form of support which deserves special mention. Free training seminars or their new avatar - webinars (online seminars) - greatly help in getting up to speed with the software at no extra cost. In some cases the company might offer paid training, which may be essential, & hence this cost needs to be factored into the purchase decision. Maintenance Maintenance costs & efforts have a major impact on the performance & adoptability of software, & hence form important criteria of the buying decision. In case the software is hosted at the company’s end, it is of utmost importance that the software be available online at all times, or the “uptime”. Uptimes are covered under the “service level agreement” & range from 98% to 99.99%. A minimum uptime of 99% is what one must look for. The company’s upkeep is also important. Efforts to constantly improve upon the software underline a commitment to providing quality service. Are bugs fixed promptly & on an ongoing basis? Are they just releasing software & not updating it? One should develop a habit of keeping up with the company newsletter, release notes or the “what’s new” section on their site. Periodic newsletters & a “what’s new” section are indicative of a dynamic company.
4) Familiarity
The “feel” of the software is another important criterion. The software should keep with the basic layout & navigation schemes we are used to. This makes for quicker transition. One good way is to compare with the OS in which we would use the software. Does it have the same basic schema as the OS environment? A software with Mac schema on Windows wouldn’t sit that well. Or we could compare it with other software which we are used to. If you are switching to a low priced solution from an expensive one, choosing software with a similar “feel” would make sense. Does it retain most of the main features you are used to?
5) Security
Security is a top consideration because he software company will likely be handling information critical to us – business, financial or personal. We need to be well assured of our data's security & there are no risks of it being compromised. This needs research, & the extensiveness of which depends on the sensitivity of our data. What safety features does the provider have?
Encryption, or coding of information, is used by most companies to protect the integrity of their clients’ information. There are different types of encryption, each of which is associated with a different level of security. DAS is one, once popular but now known to have loopholes. SSL 128-bit encryption is associated with top notch security. Password protection is another important facet. Is the software equipped to withstand manual & automated attempts to hack your password? The ability of the system to detect a hacking attempt & lock up in time is important. Data Backup In extreme cases of system breakdown caused by a facility fire, natural disaster or technical glitch etc, it is important that your data is frequently & adequately backed up. Data backup should be frequent & adequate. Certain factors are to be considered in backup practices. The first is the frequency of backups. If there is a long gap, there is a possibility of data being lost in intermittent periods. Secondly, what are the security arrangements at the facilities where your data resides? Is it manned & guarded by security personnel? What other safeguards are in place? Is there a good firewall? What is the protection against virus attacks? What procedures are in place for disaster management? Track Record As with company background, a little research on the security track record makes sense. Has the company ever been vulnerable to attacks before? What were the losses? How did the company react? How many years has the company had a good record? New companies will have a clean record, but that isn’t necessarily indicative of good security. The Server System The server system where the sensitive data actually lies is very important. Is it state-of-the-art? The server infrastructure could be owned by the software provider themselves or outsourced to a dedicated company providing hosting solutions. Outsourced hosting is a good thing because hosting companies have extensive expertise & infrastructure for security, & this frees up the software provider to concentrate on the software itself. The company might not have an elaborate setup at all, running the software & processing data through computers set up in the garage somewhere acting as servers. This should get your alarm bells ringing!
Conclusion - A Systematic Selection Approach
Now that we have discussed all the relevant factors in detail & have a better perspective of the subject, it is important to develop a systematic approach to analyzing these factors. What factors are important to me? Although all of the above factors are relevant, their relative importance may differ from customer to customer. For a company with deep pockets, price comes lower in the list. For a company using collaboration software to process business information, security is high priority. Again if a solution forms an important part of a company’s business, it is important that it integrates well with existing systems. For dynamic industries like real estate, short training times are important. Know Thy Software By this step you would have selected software. But that is still not the end. For all our theorizing & researching, the software still has to pass its toughest test. Most software allows you a free trial period. It would be a good idea to seriously use this period to analyze the software. It is important to stay focused during this testing period because the impact is going to be long lasting. Follow systematic planning. Identify objectives & needs, develop a testing plan, lay out the timelines and designate people from different departments to try out different features. Set responsibilities & goals so that testers take their job seriously.
Don’t hesitate to put the burden onto the company to prove itself. Let the company prove to you the features that seem important to you. For example, if security is of prime importance, ask the company to display how their solution scores high on security. Don’t hesitate to call them if you have questions. Test their service levels to see if it lives up to their promises. If you submit a ticket, is it promptly responded to? Is a good solution provided? If the problem requires live help, do you get it fast enough? When you call in with a problem, is it a live person or an automated message you converse with? This is as extensively as you can analyze software. You’re educated enough to make a choice which will most likely not fail you. You shall surely not be disappointed in your decision.
Selecting Software
In our new “wired” modern reality, software is no less important than products & services in our everyday lives. Whether it’s a personal email program, chat software for instant connection, collaboration software to organize scattered employees, or an ERP implementation to manage company processes – there’s no surviving without them! But we’re somewhat more used to buying products & services than software, which is a relatively recent phenomenon. In many ways, selecting software is no different from selecting a product or service. Although intangible, software, also address a very real need, on which personal & professional success often depends. Naturally, some of the same purchase factors apply – brand, service, & maintenance costs. In spite of the patronizing obviousness of the above, software selection is a grey zone; an underdeveloped arena. This accounts for the high incidence of “shelfware” – software that are bought with grand intentions, but end up on dusty shelves. This is because unlike products & services, it is not so intuitively evident that software have “life cycles” & need to be “maintained”, “updated”, & “repaired”. Therefore, purchases are made based on what immediately meets the eye – technical features. This mistake is understandable, because technical features are well documented & advertised, & easy for the buyer to use as decision criteria. But with this approach, factors that are just as pertinent, but not so immediately obvious, get left out. Some research & serious thinking is needed to gauge these “hidden” factors.
Key Factors for Buying Software
1) Company History & Experience
The vendor needs to be sized up before we even go on to consider the software itself. Company background is essential because, unlike traditional companies, software companies are often small, & often beyond national boundaries. Since these companies would likely be handling our sensitive data, we need to do a background check. Some related questions are: How Long Have They Been Around? As in most cases, we can reasonably assume that past record is a good indicator of future performance. Important questions are - How long have they been around? How long have they been in the field? If they’re offering online collaboration software, have they been in this industry long enough? Even if the software is new, do they have experience developing related software? What is Their Niche? Does the company know your niche well enough to know your needs? If you are a small/mid sized business, a company mainly serving the Fortune 500 is not for you. If you work from home, it is unlikely a solution serving large offices will meet your needs. The Ultimate Testament – The Customer The ultimate judge of software is its users. To get a true picture, it is important to look at how customers are using the software & what their comments are. Does their site include a client’s list or page? Check out what customers say under testimonials, or you could even get in touch with the customers yourself for comments. Dangers There are certain things about the software industry that a buyer should be wary of. Software startups have shorter life spans than traditional companies & ride high on a success wave, but go “pop” when the industry bubble bursts. This was exemplified by the “dot com burst” of 2000. Whether the current spate of “Web 2.0” companies constitutes another expanding bubble which will inevitably burst is debatable, but it makes sense to be wary & bet your money on dependable companies with proven track records.
2) Cost
There’s no denying the importance of cost effectiveness in buying decisions across the board. Yet costs should be seen in a broad perspective, because low entry costs may well result in higher total costs along the product’s life. Features vs. Price A cost-benefit analysis makes sense, & costs need to be compared with the software’s range of features & functionalities. A document management system may not be the cheapest, but it may allow you to also set up a virtual office. Going for loads of features also constitutes a trap, because users never get around to using half of them. Needs vs. Price Another question is whether there is an overlap between features & needs at all. Many features may not relate to needs sought to be addressed. You should clearly define your needs, & classify features as “needed features” & “features not needed”. Another possible scheme of classifying features could be “must have”, “nice to have”, & “future requirements”.
3) Ease of Use/Adoption
An adoption & learning curve is involved with every new software purchase. It needs to be integrated with current systems & software, & the end users have to be brought up to speed using it. If the software is chunky & too complex, adoption resistance can occur. Ease of Use The software should have an intuitive interface, & use of features should be pretty much self evident. The shorter the learning curve training a new user, the better. The software should also have the ability to easily fit into the existing systems with which it will have to communicate. For example, a collaboration software might allow you to use some features from your Outlook itself or even share Outlook data. Adoption To get a measure of “shelfware”, i.e., software that is purchased but never used, some studies peg the number of shelved content management solutions at 20-25%. At a million dollars per implementation, that’s pretty expensive shelfware! According to another study in the US, 22% of purchased enterprise portal (ERP) licenses are never used. No doubt, “Shelfware” is a result of ill thought out purchase decisions. These studies clearly underline the importance of making an educated purchase. One possible way to protect against shelfware is the new concept of “software as a service” (SAAS) hosted software. The software is hosted by its developer, & buyers have to pay a monthly subscription, which they can opt out of anytime.Support No matter how good a software is, there are bound to be times when one can’t find out how to work a particular feature or a glitch crops up. Some software solutions may require you to hire dedicated support staff of your own, while others may be easy to use, and no specialized staff may be needed, and still others may offer free support. The cost of hiring support staff needs to be factored into the buying decision. Provider support may be in the form of live human support, or automated help engines. In case of human help, the quality of solutions, availability & conduct of support executives matter. Support can also be in the form of an extensively documented help engine, or extensive help information on the company site. This form of support is often more prompt & efficient than human help. Training Training is another form of support which deserves special mention. Free training seminars or their new avatar - webinars (online seminars) - greatly help in getting up to speed with the software at no extra cost. In some cases the company might offer paid training, which may be essential, & hence this cost needs to be factored into the purchase decision. Maintenance Maintenance costs & efforts have a major impact on the performance & adoptability of software, & hence form important criteria of the buying decision. In case the software is hosted at the company’s end, it is of utmost importance that the software be available online at all times, or the “uptime”. Uptimes are covered under the “service level agreement” & range from 98% to 99.99%. A minimum uptime of 99% is what one must look for. The company’s upkeep is also important. Efforts to constantly improve upon the software underline a commitment to providing quality service. Are bugs fixed promptly & on an ongoing basis? Are they just releasing software & not updating it? One should develop a habit of keeping up with the company newsletter, release notes or the “what’s new” section on their site. Periodic newsletters & a “what’s new” section are indicative of a dynamic company.
4) Familiarity
The “feel” of the software is another important criterion. The software should keep with the basic layout & navigation schemes we are used to. This makes for quicker transition. One good way is to compare with the OS in which we would use the software. Does it have the same basic schema as the OS environment? A software with Mac schema on Windows wouldn’t sit that well. Or we could compare it with other software which we are used to. If you are switching to a low priced solution from an expensive one, choosing software with a similar “feel” would make sense. Does it retain most of the main features you are used to?
5) Security
Security is a top consideration because he software company will likely be handling information critical to us – business, financial or personal. We need to be well assured of our data's security & there are no risks of it being compromised. This needs research, & the extensiveness of which depends on the sensitivity of our data. What safety features does the provider have?
Encryption, or coding of information, is used by most companies to protect the integrity of their clients’ information. There are different types of encryption, each of which is associated with a different level of security. DAS is one, once popular but now known to have loopholes. SSL 128-bit encryption is associated with top notch security. Password protection is another important facet. Is the software equipped to withstand manual & automated attempts to hack your password? The ability of the system to detect a hacking attempt & lock up in time is important. Data Backup In extreme cases of system breakdown caused by a facility fire, natural disaster or technical glitch etc, it is important that your data is frequently & adequately backed up. Data backup should be frequent & adequate. Certain factors are to be considered in backup practices. The first is the frequency of backups. If there is a long gap, there is a possibility of data being lost in intermittent periods. Secondly, what are the security arrangements at the facilities where your data resides? Is it manned & guarded by security personnel? What other safeguards are in place? Is there a good firewall? What is the protection against virus attacks? What procedures are in place for disaster management? Track Record As with company background, a little research on the security track record makes sense. Has the company ever been vulnerable to attacks before? What were the losses? How did the company react? How many years has the company had a good record? New companies will have a clean record, but that isn’t necessarily indicative of good security. The Server System The server system where the sensitive data actually lies is very important. Is it state-of-the-art? The server infrastructure could be owned by the software provider themselves or outsourced to a dedicated company providing hosting solutions. Outsourced hosting is a good thing because hosting companies have extensive expertise & infrastructure for security, & this frees up the software provider to concentrate on the software itself. The company might not have an elaborate setup at all, running the software & processing data through computers set up in the garage somewhere acting as servers. This should get your alarm bells ringing!
Conclusion - A Systematic Selection Approach
Now that we have discussed all the relevant factors in detail & have a better perspective of the subject, it is important to develop a systematic approach to analyzing these factors. What factors are important to me? Although all of the above factors are relevant, their relative importance may differ from customer to customer. For a company with deep pockets, price comes lower in the list. For a company using collaboration software to process business information, security is high priority. Again if a solution forms an important part of a company’s business, it is important that it integrates well with existing systems. For dynamic industries like real estate, short training times are important. Know Thy Software By this step you would have selected software. But that is still not the end. For all our theorizing & researching, the software still has to pass its toughest test. Most software allows you a free trial period. It would be a good idea to seriously use this period to analyze the software. It is important to stay focused during this testing period because the impact is going to be long lasting. Follow systematic planning. Identify objectives & needs, develop a testing plan, lay out the timelines and designate people from different departments to try out different features. Set responsibilities & goals so that testers take their job seriously.
Don’t hesitate to put the burden onto the company to prove itself. Let the company prove to you the features that seem important to you. For example, if security is of prime importance, ask the company to display how their solution scores high on security. Don’t hesitate to call them if you have questions. Test their service levels to see if it lives up to their promises. If you submit a ticket, is it promptly responded to? Is a good solution provided? If the problem requires live help, do you get it fast enough? When you call in with a problem, is it a live person or an automated message you converse with? This is as extensively as you can analyze software. You’re educated enough to make a choice which will most likely not fail you. You shall surely not be disappointed in your decision.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Prosesor terbaru dari Intel

Ternyata Intel corp benar-benar perusahaan microchip terbesar di dunia. Belum lama ini
Intel corp telah me-launching produk nya yang terbaru, yaitu prosesor baru yang bernama "Penryn". Prosesor ini di rancang untuk komputer server dan PC berkinerja sangat tinggi. Menurut intel, Penryn merupakan prosesor berteknologi 45nm (nanometer) yang memiliki kecepatan 15% lebih bagus dari prosesor berteknologi 65nm.
Jika pada proses chip berteknologi 65nm Intel "hanya" mampu menanam 582 juta transistor, maka dengan teknologi yang baru ini Intel berhasil menanamkan 820 juta transistor pada keping chip prosesor yang sama.
Intel juga mengatakan bahwa prosesor terbaru tersebut tidak hanya semakin cepat, tetapi juga semakin hemat daya serta penambahan meterial baru dapat mencegah kebocoran listrik pada transistor.
Selanjutnya, Intel telah menanamkan investasi sebesar USD 8 M untuk membangun pabrik baru berteknologi 45nm serta meng-upgrade pabriknya yang lama sehingga mampu menjalankan proses manufaktur chip 45nm. Prosesor tersebut telah di keluarkan sejak awal tahun 2008, yang di beri nama merk Xeon dan Core 2 Extreme.
Why People Like Data Entry Work At Home
When you really start thinking about it, you ask "Why did I actually start working at home want to enter data entry?" For some people it's a fairly simple answer: they love to type and are certain that pays for the right area are looking for. For others, it is only during their free time to do something that special gift or something and you want to buy can make a little extra money. You learn that some people take this kind of work to improve your computer and typing skills while earning money might be surprised himself.
This is a most thought the aspects of data entry work at home, the fact that you pretty much are set free for their own hours. This is perfect if you are one of the many people who are not like night owls who happen to be working, while everyone around him is asleep. Another thing that people that you do as little work one hour or overnight if you can really wanted to love. How little you work or how much you owe it all depends on the type and how fast you type.
They write love
Away whatever they can tap to their heart's content to the pleasure of doing data entry work at home jobs do take many. If you're an excellent typist just pounding away on the keyboard to the forms, letters and documents to enter information enjoy, then you've come to the right place! In these jobs, you do not have anyone looking over my shoulder as you work at home, or it will be like this even as you type. This is a case where it is actually an advantage!
Want to improve your skills
then you write, but your skills are a little rusty? It really why some people start doing data entry jobs as part of a good type. Do not discuss here whether you type in a computer or typewriter keyboard. The point is that you just have to work this way to improve your skills a little more willing to make love work. Have you ever thought possible that there was a way to improve your typing speed? The front of my friends here can not be true. The old adage "practice makes perfect does not really apply here!"
To wear whatever you please go Being able to work
But what seems a bit odd and might be irrelevant in this article, but it also has an impact here. An office or weekend casual clothes you dressed in pajamas trying to enter the building and imagine that you might be willing to work? What people will never be acceptable!
This is a most thought the aspects of data entry work at home, the fact that you pretty much are set free for their own hours. This is perfect if you are one of the many people who are not like night owls who happen to be working, while everyone around him is asleep. Another thing that people that you do as little work one hour or overnight if you can really wanted to love. How little you work or how much you owe it all depends on the type and how fast you type.
They write love
Away whatever they can tap to their heart's content to the pleasure of doing data entry work at home jobs do take many. If you're an excellent typist just pounding away on the keyboard to the forms, letters and documents to enter information enjoy, then you've come to the right place! In these jobs, you do not have anyone looking over my shoulder as you work at home, or it will be like this even as you type. This is a case where it is actually an advantage!
Want to improve your skills
then you write, but your skills are a little rusty? It really why some people start doing data entry jobs as part of a good type. Do not discuss here whether you type in a computer or typewriter keyboard. The point is that you just have to work this way to improve your skills a little more willing to make love work. Have you ever thought possible that there was a way to improve your typing speed? The front of my friends here can not be true. The old adage "practice makes perfect does not really apply here!"
To wear whatever you please go Being able to work
But what seems a bit odd and might be irrelevant in this article, but it also has an impact here. An office or weekend casual clothes you dressed in pajamas trying to enter the building and imagine that you might be willing to work? What people will never be acceptable!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Work at home and earn good money
Work at home has become a very popular concept almost lots of people across the globe. Gone are those days when you had to toil hard to reach your office and work for fixed hours on a regular basis. By working from home, you can enjoy lots of benefits such as comfort, time flexibility, and lots more. There are lots of jobs which offer work at home options and you can easily opt for some to get good money by working from the comforts of your home.
Work at Home Advantages
Work at home option can prove to be pretty advantageous. It can be perfect for those who do not want to be under the regular time frame of work. Because of the flexibility of timing, work from home jobs are ideal for students, home makers, retired professionals and aged people. For instance, if you are a student, who is studying, you can easily earn good money by working from home as per your preferred timings.
Compared to other types of conventional jobs or business, work from home also does not have have stiff target and heavy work pressure. Based on the type of job that you are doing, you can easily adjust your timings.
Popular Work at Home Jobs
With the advent of internet today, more and more work at home jobs are coming up. For example if you are good at writing, you can easily work as a home based freelance web content writer and earn good money. You will be given blogs, web site articles and other related things for writing on different subjects. The payment is done on the amount of words that you are writing.
Other home based job options that you can get in the internet are working as SEO and SEM professional, web designer, web developer, programmer, graphic designer, and so on. In all these job options, the pay package is pretty high and you can easily earn well, without harming or sacrificing your other commitments. Moreover, it will also add to your level of skills and qualities.
Work at Home Business
You can start a work at home business and earn good profits and revenue. All you need is proper business plannings, initiatives and framing the promotional strategies well. There are lots of home based businesses that are available today and they offer lucrative returns.
The main advantages of starting work at home business is that they allow you to maintain the flexibility of timing. There is no fixed target or work schedules that you need to fulfill. The client supplies you with work and you can easily fix the timings and adjust it accordingly for meeting the target.
Types of Work at Home Business
You can choose from quite a few work at home business as per your preferences. Most of them are web based and offer you the scope to earn good amount of money. Some of the well known types of businesses that you can opt for include:
Work at Home Advantages
Work at home option can prove to be pretty advantageous. It can be perfect for those who do not want to be under the regular time frame of work. Because of the flexibility of timing, work from home jobs are ideal for students, home makers, retired professionals and aged people. For instance, if you are a student, who is studying, you can easily earn good money by working from home as per your preferred timings.
Compared to other types of conventional jobs or business, work from home also does not have have stiff target and heavy work pressure. Based on the type of job that you are doing, you can easily adjust your timings.
Popular Work at Home Jobs
With the advent of internet today, more and more work at home jobs are coming up. For example if you are good at writing, you can easily work as a home based freelance web content writer and earn good money. You will be given blogs, web site articles and other related things for writing on different subjects. The payment is done on the amount of words that you are writing.
Other home based job options that you can get in the internet are working as SEO and SEM professional, web designer, web developer, programmer, graphic designer, and so on. In all these job options, the pay package is pretty high and you can easily earn well, without harming or sacrificing your other commitments. Moreover, it will also add to your level of skills and qualities.
Work at Home Business
You can start a work at home business and earn good profits and revenue. All you need is proper business plannings, initiatives and framing the promotional strategies well. There are lots of home based businesses that are available today and they offer lucrative returns.
The main advantages of starting work at home business is that they allow you to maintain the flexibility of timing. There is no fixed target or work schedules that you need to fulfill. The client supplies you with work and you can easily fix the timings and adjust it accordingly for meeting the target.
Types of Work at Home Business
You can choose from quite a few work at home business as per your preferences. Most of them are web based and offer you the scope to earn good amount of money. Some of the well known types of businesses that you can opt for include:
- Web designing business
- Web development business
- Affiliate marketing business
- SEO and SEM application business
- Software development and programming business
Home Business
Starting a New Internet Business Step by Step
With the overall economy in trouble, you could possibly have found yourself getting your hours slashed at the job, being laid off or not able to locate work. This usually means you have a great deal of stress in your life since of life's responsibilities, bills, and possibly children to support. This also may be a concern for students graduating from college that might be not able to discover a job and have student loans to pay.
Have you searched on the web for online business options and felt confused? One method advised could be to produce your very own ebook. This is a very good concept but it promptly can produce complications.
You might not grasp what exactly to write about or enjoy writing to start with. If you happen to be a great writer, you might still be troubled by the thought of how to produce the ebook itself from the information you've gathered. Then there is the problem of setting up a website.
To begin with, all this is usually broken down into basic steps. You possibly can decide to write your own ebook, but you may desire to begin at first with getting ebooks with resale rights or private label rights which you'll be able to promote as your very own and keep all the profit.
The reason why this is appealing is that you won't just get the pdf or document files, but you additionally will be often offered a sales page as well as cute little ebook image icons to place on your ad or site.
However you are likely thinking that you have no idea of the best way to build a web page. One quick way around this might be to use classified ad websites. There are quite a few on the internet and you possibly can uncover several big ones that have no charge at all. In addition to making use of online classified advertising, you possibly can also use newspaper ads inside your community or free newspapers.
The next hurdle might be about ways to set up a web site in case you don't want to get phone calls or emails. This can be very easy to do working with web sites such as Blogger which are both free and need no understanding of html coding. To get paid you are able to position a Pay Pal link on the website or for those who prefer, ask people to mail a check or money order.
For getting targeted traffic to your site, there are numerous no cost techniques including referfing to it on your own Facebook site, submitting to social bookmarking web sites, and writing and submitting articles.
Have you searched on the web for online business options and felt confused? One method advised could be to produce your very own ebook. This is a very good concept but it promptly can produce complications.
You might not grasp what exactly to write about or enjoy writing to start with. If you happen to be a great writer, you might still be troubled by the thought of how to produce the ebook itself from the information you've gathered. Then there is the problem of setting up a website.
To begin with, all this is usually broken down into basic steps. You possibly can decide to write your own ebook, but you may desire to begin at first with getting ebooks with resale rights or private label rights which you'll be able to promote as your very own and keep all the profit.
The reason why this is appealing is that you won't just get the pdf or document files, but you additionally will be often offered a sales page as well as cute little ebook image icons to place on your ad or site.
However you are likely thinking that you have no idea of the best way to build a web page. One quick way around this might be to use classified ad websites. There are quite a few on the internet and you possibly can uncover several big ones that have no charge at all. In addition to making use of online classified advertising, you possibly can also use newspaper ads inside your community or free newspapers.
The next hurdle might be about ways to set up a web site in case you don't want to get phone calls or emails. This can be very easy to do working with web sites such as Blogger which are both free and need no understanding of html coding. To get paid you are able to position a Pay Pal link on the website or for those who prefer, ask people to mail a check or money order.
For getting targeted traffic to your site, there are numerous no cost techniques including referfing to it on your own Facebook site, submitting to social bookmarking web sites, and writing and submitting articles.
Internet Marketing
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Internet di pelosok Indonesia
Internet saat ini telah tumbuh dengan sangat pesat. Di kampus, di warnet di ramaikan dengan berbagai kalangan untuk berkutat di dunia maya ini.... Bahkan di warung bubur kacang ijo saat ini sudah tersedia fasilitas "wi-fi" yang memudahkan seseorang untuk koneksi internet, dengan syarat laptop yang di miliki tersedia "wi-fi".
Namun beda dengan pelosok-pelosok indonesia seperti papua. Internet di papua saat ini masih sangat jarang di temui. Warnet pun jarang di temui, kalaupun ada tarif yang di tawarkannya relatif mahal. Tarif perjamnya ada yang 8 hingga 10 ribu. Beda dengan di pulau jawa yang perjamnya hanya 3 ribu rupiah perjamnya. Perbedaan yang sangat jauh bukan?
Saat ini di papua baru di sibukkan dengan adanya internet.. Ibaratnya internet di sana adalah suatu kegiatan baru yang tidak bisa di tinggalkan. [More..]
Namun beda dengan pelosok-pelosok indonesia seperti papua. Internet di papua saat ini masih sangat jarang di temui. Warnet pun jarang di temui, kalaupun ada tarif yang di tawarkannya relatif mahal. Tarif perjamnya ada yang 8 hingga 10 ribu. Beda dengan di pulau jawa yang perjamnya hanya 3 ribu rupiah perjamnya. Perbedaan yang sangat jauh bukan?
Saat ini di papua baru di sibukkan dengan adanya internet.. Ibaratnya internet di sana adalah suatu kegiatan baru yang tidak bisa di tinggalkan. [More..]
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Google Wants To Help You Succeed
ll too often, we see Google pictured as the "evil" company who’s just out to get you, and to make your life miserable.
While at times it might seem that way, it's just not true.
No… Google is not going to come banging on your door to sit down next to you and help you design your website, but they do provide a wealth of traffic assistance for the webmaster who’s willing to look for it.
Take the Google sitemaps program for example.
Google wants to know about ALL your pages. When you consider the billions of webpages that are on the Internet now, that’s a daunting task. The way that they discover YOUR pages is by "spidering" your website. This is also called crawling. This is done through automated robots that will look through your website and follow the links to discover other pages. When it does, it puts those pages into a database, which they will use to ultimately decide which page will get listed and which one doesn’t.
If you make this process easy for them, they can reward you with much faster spidering of your website. This is especially advantageous if you have a large website.
Google has a program called their "sitemaps" program. What you do is place a specially formatted XML file on your computer that includes links to all of your web pages, and other information related to your website, such as how often you update your website and so on.
We’ve found that compiling the datafeed the way Google requires it can be a little bit intimidating.
There are programs available that will help you to do that.
When you’re building a website, it’s very easy to make a mistake in a link, especially when building a large site. This can be disastrous when Google comes around to view your website and it can hurt you tremendously. The better programs not only spider the site as Google would and builds your Google sitemap.xml file automatically, but if it encounters errors, it gives you an error log so that you can correct the errors BEFORE you submit your sitemap to Google.
This is VERY important. If Google tries to spider a site that has bad or missing links in it, then your chances of being listed in their search engine are VERY slim.
Google’s official website on this subject is at this URL: you’ll find a good explanation of their sitemap program.
Google sitemaps should be a part of every webmaster’s website submission plan. It does not necessarily help with your search engine positioning or ranking, but it will help you to get all your pages spidered quickly, which is the first step to getting your pages listed in the search engines.
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While at times it might seem that way, it's just not true.
No… Google is not going to come banging on your door to sit down next to you and help you design your website, but they do provide a wealth of traffic assistance for the webmaster who’s willing to look for it.
Take the Google sitemaps program for example.
Google wants to know about ALL your pages. When you consider the billions of webpages that are on the Internet now, that’s a daunting task. The way that they discover YOUR pages is by "spidering" your website. This is also called crawling. This is done through automated robots that will look through your website and follow the links to discover other pages. When it does, it puts those pages into a database, which they will use to ultimately decide which page will get listed and which one doesn’t.
If you make this process easy for them, they can reward you with much faster spidering of your website. This is especially advantageous if you have a large website.
Google has a program called their "sitemaps" program. What you do is place a specially formatted XML file on your computer that includes links to all of your web pages, and other information related to your website, such as how often you update your website and so on.
We’ve found that compiling the datafeed the way Google requires it can be a little bit intimidating.
There are programs available that will help you to do that.
When you’re building a website, it’s very easy to make a mistake in a link, especially when building a large site. This can be disastrous when Google comes around to view your website and it can hurt you tremendously. The better programs not only spider the site as Google would and builds your Google sitemap.xml file automatically, but if it encounters errors, it gives you an error log so that you can correct the errors BEFORE you submit your sitemap to Google.
This is VERY important. If Google tries to spider a site that has bad or missing links in it, then your chances of being listed in their search engine are VERY slim.
Google’s official website on this subject is at this URL: you’ll find a good explanation of their sitemap program.
Google sitemaps should be a part of every webmaster’s website submission plan. It does not necessarily help with your search engine positioning or ranking, but it will help you to get all your pages spidered quickly, which is the first step to getting your pages listed in the search engines.
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Online Business
Getting Started With Adsense
A very important element in the rapid adoption of AdSense is that it has been very easy for publishers to get the ads on their site as quickly as possible.
Integrating AdSense in your website takes only a few minutes, and you can be on your way with one or more nicely integrated AdSense ads.
The first thing you need to do is navigate to and either apply or log in with your existing account and password. What follows is a page presenting the Google AdSense Terms and Conditions which you must agree to in order to proceed.
You are presented with a report page which you can use to get a detailed status on how your AdSense advertising is doing. This allows you to improve your site's contents and layout to maximize your AdSense earnings.
On the top of your page you also have link to the setup section where you can generate the code that will need to be pasted on your website in order to have AdSense banners on your page.
You can use AdSense for text (the said ads), using a search box or with referrals. Your choice among these options depends on how users will navigate your site.
Finally, there is a "My Account" tab which allows you to set up details concerning your account, payment and tax information.
To add a text ad on your site, go back to the "AdSense Setup" tab and click the "AdSense for content" link. Make sure you have cookies enabled in your browser.
You can make a choice between ad units and link units. The former contain text and or images concerning a certain site for each unit, most with a detailed description, the latter only contain links to certain types.
Of course, it's a bit hard to know which type you should use so you should probably experiment with both for a while before you decide.
You can also view an example of how the unit will look to the right of your page. However, you may only use three ad units and one link unit on any given page. This is believed to be a step which Google takes for quality control.
The next step is to choose your add format and colors. You can basically select any color palette you choose with Google offering some of its own if you don't have the time or skill to create one. You can constantly view how the palette will look through the aid of an example. The one that works best in terms of appearance and revenues will vary with the look, feel and content of a website.
However, your ad formats are limited to a choice of eleven formats. There's an "Ad Formats" link which takes you to a page that lets you see all even of these in action so you can decide best which one suits your site. Sometimes the most intrusive, doesn’t work best however again, this can vary from website to website.
After you finish with customization, you can click "Continue" from the bottom of the page.
You are now presented with a section entitled "AdSense for Content". You can click anywhere in the text and that shows the JavaScript required to get AdSense running. This will automatically select the text in the box.
You can then copy it and paste it into your pages directly. If you use dynamic pages, you should paste this code within your template so as to ensure that it gets displayed on any page of your website. Some advertisers choose not to display Adsense on every page, and this is understandable. An example of this is a company that has adsense, may also have terms and condition which would inevitably provide legal resources which would probably be deemed inappropriate.
What is then left for you to do is get content on your page (provided you didn't have any already). Google AdSense crawlers will soon visit your site, making sure that the ads displayed are relevant to your site's content.
And you're all done. For a simple page this should indeed be a matter of a few minutes, which is precisely what makes AdSense the choice for so many. Although it is quick, its mass appeal also makes it the best. Through being the most popular, advertisers and publishers alike see Adsense and Adwords as their natural first choice.
Integrating AdSense in your website takes only a few minutes, and you can be on your way with one or more nicely integrated AdSense ads.
The first thing you need to do is navigate to and either apply or log in with your existing account and password. What follows is a page presenting the Google AdSense Terms and Conditions which you must agree to in order to proceed.
You are presented with a report page which you can use to get a detailed status on how your AdSense advertising is doing. This allows you to improve your site's contents and layout to maximize your AdSense earnings.
On the top of your page you also have link to the setup section where you can generate the code that will need to be pasted on your website in order to have AdSense banners on your page.
You can use AdSense for text (the said ads), using a search box or with referrals. Your choice among these options depends on how users will navigate your site.
Finally, there is a "My Account" tab which allows you to set up details concerning your account, payment and tax information.
To add a text ad on your site, go back to the "AdSense Setup" tab and click the "AdSense for content" link. Make sure you have cookies enabled in your browser.
You can make a choice between ad units and link units. The former contain text and or images concerning a certain site for each unit, most with a detailed description, the latter only contain links to certain types.
Of course, it's a bit hard to know which type you should use so you should probably experiment with both for a while before you decide.
You can also view an example of how the unit will look to the right of your page. However, you may only use three ad units and one link unit on any given page. This is believed to be a step which Google takes for quality control.
The next step is to choose your add format and colors. You can basically select any color palette you choose with Google offering some of its own if you don't have the time or skill to create one. You can constantly view how the palette will look through the aid of an example. The one that works best in terms of appearance and revenues will vary with the look, feel and content of a website.
However, your ad formats are limited to a choice of eleven formats. There's an "Ad Formats" link which takes you to a page that lets you see all even of these in action so you can decide best which one suits your site. Sometimes the most intrusive, doesn’t work best however again, this can vary from website to website.
After you finish with customization, you can click "Continue" from the bottom of the page.
You are now presented with a section entitled "AdSense for Content". You can click anywhere in the text and that shows the JavaScript required to get AdSense running. This will automatically select the text in the box.
You can then copy it and paste it into your pages directly. If you use dynamic pages, you should paste this code within your template so as to ensure that it gets displayed on any page of your website. Some advertisers choose not to display Adsense on every page, and this is understandable. An example of this is a company that has adsense, may also have terms and condition which would inevitably provide legal resources which would probably be deemed inappropriate.
What is then left for you to do is get content on your page (provided you didn't have any already). Google AdSense crawlers will soon visit your site, making sure that the ads displayed are relevant to your site's content.
And you're all done. For a simple page this should indeed be a matter of a few minutes, which is precisely what makes AdSense the choice for so many. Although it is quick, its mass appeal also makes it the best. Through being the most popular, advertisers and publishers alike see Adsense and Adwords as their natural first choice.
Internet Marketing
Mengenal lebih Jauh "server INS001"

Haiii.... para penjelajah dunia maya yang ngunjungin blog ini... Thanks banget udah mau sempet-sempetin berkunjung ke blog ini.
Kali ini kita bakal ngebahas sebuah fenomena yang udah gak asing lagi di kalangan anak-anak fakultas IT Universitas Al-Zaytun. Apalagi kalo bukan "server INS001". So pasti.. nama yang satu ini udah mendarah daging ama anak-anak fakultas IT (pastinya....). Gimana gak????...... Setiap ada kuliah di Lab AGICT (nama lab computer fakultas IT) server INS001 selalu di kumandangin! Biasa di pake buat nge-upload tugas... Ngambil bahan tugas..
Selain itu Server INS001 juga biasa di pake untuk mengontrol semua komputer pada jaringan komputer AGICT. Server INS001 juga biasa di gunakan oleh para dosen, untuk memantau para mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang curang waktu ujian tengah semester (UTS) atau ujian akhir semester (UAS) jadi gak ada mahasiswa/mahasiswi yang berani nyontek, atau kerja sama. Soalnya pasti ketahuan ama pengawas ujian. So, server INS001 ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap jalannya proses perkuliahan di fakultas IT Universitas Al-Zaytun. Ibaratnya, gak ada server INS001 gak idup deh lab AGICT. Bagaikan bunga tanpa pot! halaaahhh!!!
Dan masih banyak lagi kemampuan dari server INS001 ini.
Masih penasaran dengan server INS001????
Silakan berkunjung ke lab AGICT universitas Al-Zaytun.
Anda akan menemukan semua fenomena server INS001 di sana! [More..]
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